I am a web developer with a passion for building functional applications and eye-catching user experiences.
Check out my projects below!
"Toronto, Ontario"
"My journey learning to code began in 2019. I was captivated by computer scripts and characters I did not understand. Enrolling in Conestoga College's Computer Application Development program, I set out to develop this understanding and while the journey has been tough it's been rewarding. I learned more about cybersecurity in 2023 through Cybersecurity and Threat Management at Seneca College. Being a perpetual learner, I apply a trial and error process to everything, including development. Looking forward to learning about how my skills may be applicable to you!"


Music Player

This project made use of the ES6 features of JavaScript including template literals and arrow synthax. It uses optional chaining. Great for practicing with JavaScript and the music made it gripping.


Previous Portfolio

A website showcasing a collection of projects I worked on as a freelance developer. I used it mostly to practice layouts, animations, dark/light themes, and smooth scrolling.


RPG Project

A freeCodeCamp project made using only JavaScript, HTML, and CSS to provide a simple yet engaging rpg game experience.



A calculator using Python which prompts the user through command line.


First Site

My first major app built on Google Sites - a great learning experience. This project was created to record my work at Conestoga College.


Bookstore Project

A project made with React. Uses custom hooks/navigation. Enables users to add, edit, and delete books.

